Globe and PLDT IP peering

Bam​: Finally, IP Peering agreement between telcos inked

Sen. Bam Aquino ​welcomes the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) for IP peering between PLDT and Globe, which was ironed out after months of talks between the two biggest telecommunication companies in the country.

 “I am very happy that it’s finally happening after months of ​talks. We started looking into this option more than a year ago in the Senate,” said Sen. Bam in his speech during the signing ceremony.

 Sen. Bam hopes that the MOA is “one of more milestones that we can put under our belts in terms of really increasing the speed, quality and access of Internet in the Philippines”.

The senator has been pushing for IP peering, among other solutions, during the Senate hearing on the country’s Internet conditions, which he initiated as chairman of the Committee on Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship.

Sen. Bam said the benefit of this agreement will be felt by ​n​early all Internet users in the Philippines, especially mobile subscribers who use data, when the IP peering is completed after 30 days.

“The good thing is, bibilis ang internet dahil hindi na kailangan lumabas ng bansa ang data,” Sen. Bam stressed.

Sen. Bam says they will be closely monitoring the developments over the next 30 days and will continue to work on solutions to improve the quality of Internet services in the Philippines.


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