Public School Students

Senate Bill No. 671: Free Cultural Experience for Students Act

The recent announcement by National Museum of the Philippines that admission will now be permanently free is a welcome change to all Filipinos. In particular, this benefits teachers and parents of public school students who are eager to visit but were discouraged due to the admission fee that many families cannot afford.

The numerous public museums, national historical shrines and landmarks in the Philippines serve as a rich place to learn about our history, our cultural heritage and our artistic talent as a nation. However, these places are often unknown to or inaccessible to public school students who cannot afford the costs of field trips.

In order to enrich the learning of all Filipinos, this bill seeks to remove admission fees to all public museums, national historical shrines and landmarks, for students enrolled in public schools. In doing so, experiential learning through field trips and cultural immersions will become more accessible to students and teachers who wish to use these venues to share valuable knowledge about our history.

Through this bill, the study of culture, art and history will no longer be a privileged pursuit, but something that is accessible to all students who will benefit from a greater appreciation of our country’s heritage.

In view of the foregoing, the passing of this bill is earnestly sought.


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